For years, Nature’s Wonder® has been the special ingredient used to create impeccable sports fields, professionally managed botanical gardens and prolific landscapes. Have you ever marveled at these and thought, “I wish my lawn or garden looked like that?” Well now is your chance to USE WHAT THE PROS USE™! This revolutionary formula has been proven to work with your plant food to take your plants, turf and soil quality to a whole new outstanding level of beauty, strength & health. This is a one-of-a-kind All Natural Plant & Turf Booster™ designed to give you the kind of lush garden and lawn that you have only dreamed of. Try it. You’ll like it - WE GUARANTEE IT.


This revolutionary formula creates the ultimate product for plant & soil health which has been proven to:

  • Boost the benefits of your plant food & fertilizer

  • Increase water mobility throughout the plant for greater growth and less wilting

  • Enhance soil nutrient retention and its availability to the plant

  • Better drought tolerance and less watering

  • Dramatically reduce transplant shock and root loss under stressful conditions


Overview: Nature's Wonder® Plant & Turf Booster™

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Plants exist in a very diverse ecosystem. There are so many potential variables affecting soil conditions and the plant’s ability to thrive, such as fertilization, irrigation, weed and pest control. Our new and innovative approach in combination with your plant food is the answer to these challenges. We provide you with an easy tool for continuous improvement of everything that grows. This supports the overall health of your plants & lawn... Naturally!

What is Plant & Turf Booster™?

Plant & Turf Booster™ by Nature’s Wonder® is a 3-in-1 organic & sustainable climate smart solution. It is a NUTRIENT BOOSTER designed to enhance and maximize fertilizer efficiency and effectiveness. It is a powerful BIOSTIMULANT that increases growth & yield when applied to seeds, plants, or the soil; it stimulates natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake/ efficiency and stress tolerance. It is also a SOIL AMENDMENT that improves the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil.

What differentiates this product from anything on the market is our proprietary extraction process used to recover all of the natural substances in their most beneficial form. This one-of-a-kind concentrate is derived from 10,000 year old active and complex organic materials. The result is a formula with greater power than simply the sum of its parts, making your plant food and fertilizer work better!